Jeff Rowe
Movers and Shakers
Joe McMahon
Great Scott, Allston MA.
This was one long awesome drunken friend-fest. The kind of show where everyone knows everyone and it was a celebration of jeff's record release. The date may actually be wrong and I apologize to my 2 readers if it is. Joe McMahon, of Smoke Or Fire, kicked things off by playing original tunes mixed with SoF songs. If you haven't seen Movers and Shakers you either don't live in Boston or we aren't friends. I love this band, and they always amaze me. Then the highlight of the evening, Jeff Rowe came out swinging and the crowd came out singing. Jeff has been in many amazing bands, from Boxingwater to Tomorrow The Gallows to Larcenists. He is truly one of the most talented people I know and I am proud to have been up front for this record release show. If you've found yourself reading this and haven't heard him, go to either Anchorless Records or Jeff's Myspace Page and get in on it.
Speaking of old friends bands, the saturday after Thanksgiving was the gigantic Boxingwater and Lost Cause reunion shows. I only made it to the show at Great Scott and it was one of the best shows I saw this year. Its rare to see the kind of enthusiasm that was on display this night. I'll let some pictures do the talking.
In early December I caught Save Finds, Dan Webb and the Spiders, The Young Leaves, and Lemuria. Its partly because it only happened a few weeks ago, but its mostly because it was one of the best shows I saw all year that made it so memorable. Both the self titled album and this years release "Oh Sure" by Dan Webb and The Spiders have been on constant rotation for me this year. The Young Leaves have been blazing a trail throughout the northeast for a while now and continue to impress every time I see them. Lemuria is easily one of my favorite bands going today. I'm sure you've heard them but if you haven't they play a catchy indie rock with male and female vocals.
Check out the bands:
Dan Webb and the Spiders
The Young Leaves
Those are just a few of the things I saw this year. I'll rack my brain and try to come up with a few more and we'll see what i come up with later.