New year, old blog no one reads. Not that I mind because its really not much of a concern. So there are things in the works for some shows that will hopefully come to fruition soon. For now I'll briefly talk about the first non work related show I've seen this year.
Movers and Shakers
Get Laid
Dan Webb and the Spiders
Now Denial
Starlab, Somerville MA
This show was a last second benefit for a friend of everyone's, had a great turn out, and was a success as near as I can tell. Unfortunately I had to leave before seeing Get Laid and Movers but Dan Webb and the Spiders continue to blow me away every time I see them. I've linked to them before and if you've accidentally found this blog I strongly suggest you go check them out. They have a new album coming up titled "Much Obliged" and last year put out one of my favorite records titled "Oh Sure".
Now Denial have been melting faces around Boston and anywhere else they play for a number of years now. I don't really know how else to describe them beyond face meltingly awesome. They came to kick ass and take names and succeeded. In all honesty they made me feel old because they were too loud for me, but I still enjoyed it.
I also missed Luau, but they're one of many up and coming bands in and around Boston and are not to be missed. Yes, I am bummed that I missed them and hopefully this doesn't come across too hypocritical.
Next up is Wolves and the Radio, Jeff Rowe, Brian McPhearson, and Great Lakes at Great Scott in Allston. Its a record release for Wolves and the Radio's new album on Anchorless Records and its going to be awesome. I'll see you there!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Monday, December 20, 2010
Reign of Bunnies
I really was doing well with keeping up to date on shows I've seen this year. Then I got lazy. I'm going to blame Reign of Bunnies (currently my new favorite phrase) and leave it at that. While I can't recall every show I've seen over the last few months, there are some very noteworthy ones.
Jeff Rowe
Movers and Shakers
Joe McMahon
Great Scott, Allston MA.
This was one long awesome drunken friend-fest. The kind of show where everyone knows everyone and it was a celebration of jeff's record release. The date may actually be wrong and I apologize to my 2 readers if it is. Joe McMahon, of Smoke Or Fire, kicked things off by playing original tunes mixed with SoF songs. If you haven't seen Movers and Shakers you either don't live in Boston or we aren't friends. I love this band, and they always amaze me. Then the highlight of the evening, Jeff Rowe came out swinging and the crowd came out singing. Jeff has been in many amazing bands, from Boxingwater to Tomorrow The Gallows to Larcenists. He is truly one of the most talented people I know and I am proud to have been up front for this record release show. If you've found yourself reading this and haven't heard him, go to either Anchorless Records or Jeff's Myspace Page and get in on it.
Speaking of old friends bands, the saturday after Thanksgiving was the gigantic Boxingwater and Lost Cause reunion shows. I only made it to the show at Great Scott and it was one of the best shows I saw this year. Its rare to see the kind of enthusiasm that was on display this night. I'll let some pictures do the talking.

In early December I caught Save Finds, Dan Webb and the Spiders, The Young Leaves, and Lemuria. Its partly because it only happened a few weeks ago, but its mostly because it was one of the best shows I saw all year that made it so memorable. Both the self titled album and this years release "Oh Sure" by Dan Webb and The Spiders have been on constant rotation for me this year. The Young Leaves have been blazing a trail throughout the northeast for a while now and continue to impress every time I see them. Lemuria is easily one of my favorite bands going today. I'm sure you've heard them but if you haven't they play a catchy indie rock with male and female vocals.
Check out the bands:
Dan Webb and the Spiders
The Young Leaves
Those are just a few of the things I saw this year. I'll rack my brain and try to come up with a few more and we'll see what i come up with later.
Jeff Rowe
Movers and Shakers
Joe McMahon
Great Scott, Allston MA.
This was one long awesome drunken friend-fest. The kind of show where everyone knows everyone and it was a celebration of jeff's record release. The date may actually be wrong and I apologize to my 2 readers if it is. Joe McMahon, of Smoke Or Fire, kicked things off by playing original tunes mixed with SoF songs. If you haven't seen Movers and Shakers you either don't live in Boston or we aren't friends. I love this band, and they always amaze me. Then the highlight of the evening, Jeff Rowe came out swinging and the crowd came out singing. Jeff has been in many amazing bands, from Boxingwater to Tomorrow The Gallows to Larcenists. He is truly one of the most talented people I know and I am proud to have been up front for this record release show. If you've found yourself reading this and haven't heard him, go to either Anchorless Records or Jeff's Myspace Page and get in on it.
Speaking of old friends bands, the saturday after Thanksgiving was the gigantic Boxingwater and Lost Cause reunion shows. I only made it to the show at Great Scott and it was one of the best shows I saw this year. Its rare to see the kind of enthusiasm that was on display this night. I'll let some pictures do the talking.
In early December I caught Save Finds, Dan Webb and the Spiders, The Young Leaves, and Lemuria. Its partly because it only happened a few weeks ago, but its mostly because it was one of the best shows I saw all year that made it so memorable. Both the self titled album and this years release "Oh Sure" by Dan Webb and The Spiders have been on constant rotation for me this year. The Young Leaves have been blazing a trail throughout the northeast for a while now and continue to impress every time I see them. Lemuria is easily one of my favorite bands going today. I'm sure you've heard them but if you haven't they play a catchy indie rock with male and female vocals.
Check out the bands:
Dan Webb and the Spiders
The Young Leaves
Those are just a few of the things I saw this year. I'll rack my brain and try to come up with a few more and we'll see what i come up with later.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
1 Angry dwarf and 200 solemn faces
Its been a little while since the last update of shows. I definitely need to update more frequently. Anyways, this is another update with the assistance of the day planner.
July 22, 2010
Allston MA
I don't actively recall the opening band, Nassy were pretty good. The real highlight, as per usual, was seeing Larcenists. Friendship aside, these guys are just amazing musicians. This show marked the last time Jeff Rowe would be playing with them, and they all certainly played their hearts out (again, like always). I've seen Larcenists numerous times and they have never disappointed me. Word around the gym is they are writing new material and will be back with a vengeance in october.
August 12, 2010
Anchors Up!
Haverhill MA
The Nasty
Maybe I am getting old, or tastes have changed but all of the openers just didn't do it for me. I get the appeal but at the end of the day the general brand of thrash/power violence/etc just isn't my cup of tea anymore. Bane was awesome as usual, although I do wish Aaron would sing more. All in all it was a fun, sweaty, slightly ridiculous night.
So I thought I had gone to more shows since the last update but apparently I'm just working a lot. I'll probably be posting later tonight after Jeff Rowe's cd release show w/Joe McMahon (from Smoke Or Fire) and Movers and Shakers.
July 22, 2010
Allston MA
I don't actively recall the opening band, Nassy were pretty good. The real highlight, as per usual, was seeing Larcenists. Friendship aside, these guys are just amazing musicians. This show marked the last time Jeff Rowe would be playing with them, and they all certainly played their hearts out (again, like always). I've seen Larcenists numerous times and they have never disappointed me. Word around the gym is they are writing new material and will be back with a vengeance in october.
August 12, 2010
Anchors Up!
Haverhill MA
The Nasty
Maybe I am getting old, or tastes have changed but all of the openers just didn't do it for me. I get the appeal but at the end of the day the general brand of thrash/power violence/etc just isn't my cup of tea anymore. Bane was awesome as usual, although I do wish Aaron would sing more. All in all it was a fun, sweaty, slightly ridiculous night.
So I thought I had gone to more shows since the last update but apparently I'm just working a lot. I'll probably be posting later tonight after Jeff Rowe's cd release show w/Joe McMahon (from Smoke Or Fire) and Movers and Shakers.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Got really lazy...
So here's a massive update covering a lot of shows.
In all fairness I'm writing this out of a combination of drunken memory and my day planner, starting in early april so here we go.
April 18, 2010
Heavy Trash
The Konks
The Cobra-Matics
TT The Bears, Cambridge
I had the priviledge (sp?) of working the door for this momentous occasion of garage rock. The Cobra-Matics and The Konks are long standing garage rock favorites of boston while Heavy Trash is the current, and amazing, band fronted by Jon Spencer of the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion and a band from the 80's I can't recall at the moment. This was a phenomenal night and if anyone ever has a chance to see these bands, I suggest that you do so.
Now I also feel the need to know that I will not generally include shows that I personally worked at for the sake of my own sanity.
May 17 2010
O'briens, Allston
I recall liking Horsehands a lot. I don't recall anything else about this show.
May 29 2010
The Call Up
Where The Land Meets the Sea
Everyone Everywhere
O'Briens, Allston
Everyone Everywhere play a sorta braid/promise ring kind of rock that I loved and bought a 7 inch of and have lost to the merch band/black hole in the practice space. The Call Up had a reunion show, first of 2, and it was awesome. Where The Land Meets the Sea had their last show and I blogged about it here
Seriously thats all I've got on that one til I watch and edit the video I shot.
June 5th 2010
Jeff Rowe
Coyote Kolb
Harpoon Brewery, Boston
Short and simple, Harpoon wicked drunk and watched awesome bands. Seriously thats all I've got, again.
June 6th 2010
The Cold Beat
Dan Webb and the Spiders
The Young Leaves
Great Scott, Allston
Atleast I'm pretty sure Dan Webb played this one. I recall The Cold Beat and Dan Webb being their usual awesome selves and Lemuria ruled the friggin earth, as expected. I don't recall much else except I didn't drink this night.
June 19th
Strike Anywhere
Other bands
Club Hell, Providence
Hardcore is a young mans game but I still loved the hell out of this show. Thats all I can say about it.
June 21 2010
Off With Their Heads
Dear Landlord
The Fake Boys
Great Scott, Allston
Loved it! Seriously all around, had a blast. Got a 7in split with OWTH/Detournement with Care Bears on each side. Great night!
July 19th 2010
Wolves and The Radio
Spanish Gamble
Fake Boys
O'briens, Allston
Long story short, left after Spanish Gamble. First half of the show was awesome, second half was said to be awesome too.
So that's all I've got for now, hopefully some new videos and photos will be forthcoming, hopefully.
In all fairness I'm writing this out of a combination of drunken memory and my day planner, starting in early april so here we go.
April 18, 2010
Heavy Trash
The Konks
The Cobra-Matics
TT The Bears, Cambridge
I had the priviledge (sp?) of working the door for this momentous occasion of garage rock. The Cobra-Matics and The Konks are long standing garage rock favorites of boston while Heavy Trash is the current, and amazing, band fronted by Jon Spencer of the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion and a band from the 80's I can't recall at the moment. This was a phenomenal night and if anyone ever has a chance to see these bands, I suggest that you do so.
Now I also feel the need to know that I will not generally include shows that I personally worked at for the sake of my own sanity.
May 17 2010
O'briens, Allston
I recall liking Horsehands a lot. I don't recall anything else about this show.
May 29 2010
The Call Up
Where The Land Meets the Sea
Everyone Everywhere
O'Briens, Allston
Everyone Everywhere play a sorta braid/promise ring kind of rock that I loved and bought a 7 inch of and have lost to the merch band/black hole in the practice space. The Call Up had a reunion show, first of 2, and it was awesome. Where The Land Meets the Sea had their last show and I blogged about it here
Seriously thats all I've got on that one til I watch and edit the video I shot.
June 5th 2010
Jeff Rowe
Coyote Kolb
Harpoon Brewery, Boston
Short and simple, Harpoon wicked drunk and watched awesome bands. Seriously thats all I've got, again.
June 6th 2010
The Cold Beat
Dan Webb and the Spiders
The Young Leaves
Great Scott, Allston
Atleast I'm pretty sure Dan Webb played this one. I recall The Cold Beat and Dan Webb being their usual awesome selves and Lemuria ruled the friggin earth, as expected. I don't recall much else except I didn't drink this night.
June 19th
Strike Anywhere
Other bands
Club Hell, Providence
Hardcore is a young mans game but I still loved the hell out of this show. Thats all I can say about it.
June 21 2010
Off With Their Heads
Dear Landlord
The Fake Boys
Great Scott, Allston
Loved it! Seriously all around, had a blast. Got a 7in split with OWTH/Detournement with Care Bears on each side. Great night!
July 19th 2010
Wolves and The Radio
Spanish Gamble
Fake Boys
O'briens, Allston
Long story short, left after Spanish Gamble. First half of the show was awesome, second half was said to be awesome too.
So that's all I've got for now, hopefully some new videos and photos will be forthcoming, hopefully.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Got lazy for a moment...
Middle East Upstairs
Guns Up!
For The Worse
Word for Word
This was quite the line up to conclude the 3 day Boston Rules, Ok? music festival. I'm not as into hardcore as I used to be but still enjoyed myself over all. Below are a few pictures of Guns Up! with their former roadie on vocal duties.

Moving on...
Great Scott, Allston MA
Smoke or Fire
Dan Webb and the Spiders
Jeff Rowe
This was the 4th show I believe in as many days for Smoke or Fire's return to MA. They certainly did not disappoint. They covered a lot of ground from Above the City to This Sinking Ship, a few cuts from the new 7in on fat wreck chords, and I believe a song from their time as Jericho/Jericho RVA.
Dan Webb and the Spiders are easily one of the best things going today for Allston punk rock. Featuring members of way too many bands, they ripped through songs from their self titled album and new cd "Oh Sure". There really are no words to adequately describe how much fun these guys are live.
Opening the show was Jeff Rowe of Larcenist, formerly of Tomorrow The Gallows, Boxingwater, and a few other bands here and there. His set included original songs, TTG songs, Larcenist songs, and a lot of singing along. He's been playing all over town more and more and it would do you a lot of good to go check him out.
Thats all for now, but I promise to update more often, and hopefully with more content.
Middle East Upstairs
Guns Up!
For The Worse
Word for Word
This was quite the line up to conclude the 3 day Boston Rules, Ok? music festival. I'm not as into hardcore as I used to be but still enjoyed myself over all. Below are a few pictures of Guns Up! with their former roadie on vocal duties.

Moving on...
Great Scott, Allston MA
Smoke or Fire
Dan Webb and the Spiders
Jeff Rowe
This was the 4th show I believe in as many days for Smoke or Fire's return to MA. They certainly did not disappoint. They covered a lot of ground from Above the City to This Sinking Ship, a few cuts from the new 7in on fat wreck chords, and I believe a song from their time as Jericho/Jericho RVA.
Dan Webb and the Spiders are easily one of the best things going today for Allston punk rock. Featuring members of way too many bands, they ripped through songs from their self titled album and new cd "Oh Sure". There really are no words to adequately describe how much fun these guys are live.
Opening the show was Jeff Rowe of Larcenist, formerly of Tomorrow The Gallows, Boxingwater, and a few other bands here and there. His set included original songs, TTG songs, Larcenist songs, and a lot of singing along. He's been playing all over town more and more and it would do you a lot of good to go check him out.
Thats all for now, but I promise to update more often, and hopefully with more content.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
I go to shows sometimes
Look Mexico
Makeout Party
Middle East Upstairs
Cambridge MA
The night before I turned 29 I had the great pleasure of seeing Larcenists continue to kick ass and take names. If you haven't heard this band yet, go find em and get into it now or hear about them a lot later. I missed Quixote due to a quick stop into T.T. The Bears Place next door. Look Mexico was actually kind of disappointing especially since I really enjoyed their recorded work so far. Makeout Party opened and were a lot better than expected. Overall it was a great night and a great time.
Big D and the Kids Table
We Are The Union
Paradise Rock Club
Boston MA
I randomly got myself onto the guest list for this show and had a great time. I realized I haven't seen Big D and The Kids table in well over 10 years. The last time I saw them was in a VFW hall in Long Island in 2000 or so. The band now has expanded to include 2 female back up singers along with a sax and trombone section, base/drums/guitars and the now signature vocal styling. Unfortunately I literally recognized 2 songs they played due to having not really listened to the band in quite some time. The entire set was excellent overall.
We Are The Union opened for them (along with 2 other bands that I missed unfortunately) and played a strong pop punk style with a little bit of a late 90's ska influence. They have a release coming up on the 30th on Paper + Plastick which should be very solid and continue to grow their fan base. All in all this was an enjoyable little night.
Next up is the return of Guns Up! tomorrow and possibly Ted Leo on april 10th. Oh yeah!
Look Mexico
Makeout Party
Middle East Upstairs
Cambridge MA
The night before I turned 29 I had the great pleasure of seeing Larcenists continue to kick ass and take names. If you haven't heard this band yet, go find em and get into it now or hear about them a lot later. I missed Quixote due to a quick stop into T.T. The Bears Place next door. Look Mexico was actually kind of disappointing especially since I really enjoyed their recorded work so far. Makeout Party opened and were a lot better than expected. Overall it was a great night and a great time.
Big D and the Kids Table
We Are The Union
Paradise Rock Club
Boston MA
I randomly got myself onto the guest list for this show and had a great time. I realized I haven't seen Big D and The Kids table in well over 10 years. The last time I saw them was in a VFW hall in Long Island in 2000 or so. The band now has expanded to include 2 female back up singers along with a sax and trombone section, base/drums/guitars and the now signature vocal styling. Unfortunately I literally recognized 2 songs they played due to having not really listened to the band in quite some time. The entire set was excellent overall.
We Are The Union opened for them (along with 2 other bands that I missed unfortunately) and played a strong pop punk style with a little bit of a late 90's ska influence. They have a release coming up on the 30th on Paper + Plastick which should be very solid and continue to grow their fan base. All in all this was an enjoyable little night.
Next up is the return of Guns Up! tomorrow and possibly Ted Leo on april 10th. Oh yeah!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Big time fun
Harpers Ferry
Allston MA
Yesterdays Ring
Bridge and Tunnel
Where The Land Meets The Sea
To be honest with you, I kind of ignored this show despite being there for all of it. Everyone sounded great, Leatherface played an extensive set that seemed to cover a lot of ground in terms of all of their albums. Yesterdays Ring brought a distnct alt country with emphasis on the alt part. Bridge and Tunnel came and rocked hard. Where the Land Meets the Sea continued to gain new fans and impress audiences. All in all it was a great time.
I didn't necessarily mean to ignore the show but I found myself entranced by lawn darts/bag toss, bowling, and of course big buck hunter. Some where along the line I developed a decently high aptitude for these arcade machines. At the very least I get really into em. Blame it on a childhood playing video games I suppose. Now if only I could afford one of these systems in my house...
Allston MA
Yesterdays Ring
Bridge and Tunnel
Where The Land Meets The Sea
To be honest with you, I kind of ignored this show despite being there for all of it. Everyone sounded great, Leatherface played an extensive set that seemed to cover a lot of ground in terms of all of their albums. Yesterdays Ring brought a distnct alt country with emphasis on the alt part. Bridge and Tunnel came and rocked hard. Where the Land Meets the Sea continued to gain new fans and impress audiences. All in all it was a great time.
I didn't necessarily mean to ignore the show but I found myself entranced by lawn darts/bag toss, bowling, and of course big buck hunter. Some where along the line I developed a decently high aptitude for these arcade machines. At the very least I get really into em. Blame it on a childhood playing video games I suppose. Now if only I could afford one of these systems in my house...
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